The Hospitals and Agencies Explore table contains all facilities in your available markets. The following tools will assist you in finding facilities that match criteria of your choice:
- Filters - The filters allow you to narrow the complete list of facilities to specific groups based on criteria you choose.
- Column customization
- Click on and you can now select which metrics are shown in the table from a list of most facility metrics available. See Column Customization below.
- You can click the headers of the columns and drag them to a new position in the table to customize which columns are visible without scrolling.
- Destination summary - Click on the to display a list of the top five SNF destinations for the selected facility.
- Simple Sort - You can sort the columns by clicking on the header of each column. If the simple sort toggle is on, you will only be able to sort by one column. If the toggle is off, you will be able to perform a hierarchical sort. Choose the columns in the order you want them to be sorted.
From this image you can see that we have chosen to sort on two columns, and the sort type is indicated by the arrows (ascending or descending) and the order of the sort. |
The following image shows all of the available metrics in the Hospitals and Agencies table.
Column Customization
When you click on the column selection icon, you will be able to select which metrics are displayed in the Explore Table.
The column selection tool allows you to choose which columns appear in the Explore table. Click on any box to add or remove that column from the table. Metrics with a check in the box will appear in the table. Click on Reset at the bottom to set the columns selected to the default settings. When you have chosen the metrics you want to include in the table, click on Apply which will close this tool and apply your choices to the table. The metrics you choose with this tool will also set which metrics are included in table exports. You can select all available metrics and they will be displayed in the Explore Table. This will increase the width of the table on the page which will then require you to scroll left and right to see the entire table, OR, you will need to change the page zoom to accommodate the increased width. When you populate this table with a group of desired providers, you can then limit the metrics that are most important for comparing those providers. |
Understanding the Metrics
Metric | Description |
Name, NPI | Facility name and NPI, as listed in the CMS Provider (NPI) file. An alias can be added to this name that is searchable throughout Marketscape. |
County/ZIP, Street Address, City, State | These are the County, ZIP code, street address, city, and state of the facility, as listed in the CMS Provider NPI file. |
Facility Type |
The facility type describes the taxonomy code listed for this NPI in the CMS Provider NPI file. To see all possible facility types, open the Facility Type filter. |
Claim Type |
The Claim type is determined by the setting from which the claim was submitted (INP, OUTP, SNF, HHA, and HOS). You can see the possible claim types by clicking on the Claim Type filter. A hospital will have INP and OUTP, Skilled Nursing Facilities will have SNF and OUTP, Home Health should only have HHA, and hospices should only have HOS. Exceptions are possible, but are possibly coding errors. |
Assigned User | This column will contain the user from your company who is assigned to the listed facility. |
Star Rating |
CMS created the five-star quality rating system to measure the experiences Medicare beneficiaries have with their health plan and health care system on a scale of 1 to 5 stars, with 5 being the highest quality. For more information, see Star Rating. |
Medicare Patients | This is the count of distinct Medicare patients treated by the facility in each row during the one-year reporting period. |
All Patients Entering SNF w/in 30 days of D/C | This metric is the count of distinct Medicare patients treated at the listed hospital or agency that received SNF care within 30 days of discharge. |
Average Medicare Days per SNF Stay | This is the average count of Medicare days per stay the listed facility’s patients received SNF services. The counts for this metric only include SNF patients discharged during the most recent four quarters. |
Patients coded for Home Health Care |
This metric is the count of patients discharged from care at the listed hospital or agency with a discharge code for Home Health care. For more information, see How does Trella Health Identify Discharge Status Coding?. |
Non-Admit % |
This is the percentage of patients discharged from care at the listed facility with a discharge code for SNF care who did not go into SNF care within 30 days of discharge from this facility. Please note that this metric might be confusing. Every other adherence metric in Marketscape measures adherence, not non-adherence, as this metric does. |
Readmit OR Hospitalization +30 Rate |
Readmit: For inpatient facilities, the percentage of patients readmitted into any hospital within 30 days of their discharge from the listed inpatient facility during the two-year reporting period. Hospitalization +30: For listed post-acute facilities, the percentage of patients from the listed facility who were admitted to any hospital during their post-acute stay, or within 30 days of discharge from post-acute care. |
Patient Risk Score and Risk Category |
These two metrics reflect the Average Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) Risk Score for the given NPI and a categorization of this NPI's Risk Score in comparison to all NPI's of this type. For more information, see Risk Scores and HCC. |
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